On the 12th of May 2012, the Norwegian Airforce put on a spectacular airshow (called Bernt Balchen Airshow) in Kristiansand to an audience of 10,000 plus people. The weather was perfect and the atmosphere was electric. I was lucky enough to get a front row seat enabling me to take some amazing pictures. There were spitfires, f16s an old Dakota DC3, Soviet fighter planes, American fighter planes, helicopters, skydivers. You name it, they had it. Here are some pictures from that day. Enjoy!

Submarine Spitfire Kristiansand Airshow 2012

Submarine Spitfires at Kristiansand Airshow 2012

Spitfire trainer Kristiansand Airshow 2012

Vampires at Kristiansand Airshow 2012

Not sure what this one is...(it is a smaller version of the Hercules) think it is a surveillance aircraft

F16 in flying formation with 2 Spitfires Kristiansand Airshow 2012

Beautiful old DC 3 Dakota. 20 parachutists jumped from this during the show. I put my name on the list but they didnt pick me :(

The pilot of this f16 was amazing. It was the show stopper!

An old American sea plane from WW2 at Kristiansand Airshow 2012.

DC3 flying in formation at Kristiansand Airshow 2012

DC3 flying in formation at Kristiansand Airshow 2012

One of the 2 Vampires at the Kristiansand Airshow 2012

Here are a couple of videos I took of a DeHavilland Vampire at Kjevik.
These pictures were taken at the Kristiansand airport by Adam Read.
If you would like to use them, no problem. Just let me know first!