The Kristiansand Fiskebrygga is a great place to meet for a freshly made and cooked fish cake or a meal at 1 of 5 restaurants or an ice cream. Fresh seafood includes lobster, makeral, salmon as well as other delicacies. But if you are interested in a pizza, then it also has a Dolly Dimples! (Pizza Restaurant)

The Fiskebrygga Kristiansand would have to be the most popular destination in Kristiansand. When the weather is good, it is packed with boats and people sitting and chatting. During the warm evenings, people socialise on each others boats or at the restaurants.

It is located in the centre of town and you can walk there from parking near the SAS building or take a boat in there and park it next to the stores!!!
Below is a video of the fiskebrygga in the Spring and how to enter it by boat from the harbour. There is also a video of how to get to Kilden from the fishmarket.
During the winter months it is a lot quieter but still worth a look.

Put your mouse over the picture to get a description of it.