The Sørlandet is the oldest operative full-rigged ship in the world!

The Sorlandet is an old sailing ship built in 1927 at a local shipyard in Kristiansand called the Høivolds Mek Verksted. The Sorlandet was a schoolship for training young cadet sailors but is now owned and operated by a non profit foundation offering adventure sailing.

The Sorlandet can take 70 people on board as trainees as well as a crew of 15 officers and seamen during the sailing season, which generally is from May to September During the off season, some crew members remain on board for general maintenance.
You can usually find it docked in the Kristiansand harbour near Master Ferries and Colorline.
The aim of the Sorlandet is to give the participants an experience of traditional square rig sailing and the life at sea, while preserving the ship through an active and purposeful use.
The foundation is centrally located in Kristiansand, where the administration manages all facets of the operation and preservation of the ship.
Contact Details are
The Full-Rigged Ship Sørlandet
Gravene 6
Phone: (47) 38 02 98 90
Fax: (47)38 02 93 34