Kristiansand buses

Kristiansand Bus Information

It is difficult to find information on bus timetables etc in English for Kristiansand. There is a website with bus time tables on the website in the image above. The link to the timetables is here -

Unfortunately it does not have information in English on buses in Kristiansand, but it has a simple route planner that you can use. This also includes bus times from Kristiansand to Oslo.

Oslo express bus

There is also an express bus from Kristiansand to Olso with Nor-Way Express. This will also stop at Torp (with Ryan Air). If you click on the image above, it will take you to their website in English. The website has timetables and fares. It is easy to use.

Here are the other bus companies that operate from Oslo to Kristiansand.

Buses in Norway are not cheap by any means. A single trip from Kristiansand to Oslo on the bus will cost 330NOK, it is of course cheaper for students. This bus stops at all major towns on the way to Oslo including Arendal.

We also have bus information from Kristiansand Airport.

We have 5 different options to choose from in relation to travelling in Kristiansand.

Choose from the options below.

Kristiansand Ferries

Kristiansand Buses

Kristiansand Flights

Driving in Kristiansand

Kristiansand Trains



Kristiansand Images Some beautiful pictures of Kristiansand.

Webmaster Note Please read carefully.

As I have stated on the homepage, I have built and maintain this tourist information website on Kristiansand FOR FREE. I update it when I can. There may be the odd occasion where some of the information is outdated. If so, please let me know and I will update the website asap.

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